Is a New York Motorcycle Insurance Policy Valid in Canada?

Fillmore, NY residents who want to drive a motorbike up to Canada should ensure they have the right insurance policy if something goes wrong. Motorcycle insurance from major insurance companies often covers travel in Canada and the United States, so you may not have to buy a separate policy. However, you may want to take out extra forms of coverage before your trip. Where you travel, the amount of time you intend to spend in the country, the make and model of your motorcycle, and many other factors will determine if you need extra protection for your trip and the type of protection you’ll need. 

Which Forms of Motorcycle Coverage Do You Need in Canada?

 Anyone driving a motorcycle in Canada needs third-party liability coverage, accident benefits coverage, direct compensation property damage coverage, and uninsured motorist coverage. However, most of these forms of coverage benefit a third party if you’re involved in a vehicular accident. If you want compensation to pay for damage to your motorbike if you’re involved in an accident, you’ll need collision coverage. Specified perils coverage compensates if your bike is damaged by a natural disaster such as a flood or fire. Alternatively, you can purchase an all-perils policy. It covers everything that could possibly go wrong on your trip, including theft. 

Get Help from Walker and Associates Insurance Agencies Inc.

Walker and Associates Insurance Agencies Inc. offers top-tier insurance-related services to motorcycle drivers in and around Fillmore, NY. We’ve been in business for well over twenty years and take pride in helping each client find the right insurance policies for any situation. Contact us to learn more about what we offer or get a quote on the policy of your choice.